Master Footers All text after the comment tag of the document is considered the Footer. In order to provide a way of creating a consistent look over a series of related documents (possibly as part of a specific topic or section), you can save the current footer contents to one of the Master Footers, or replace the current footer text with the contents of a previously saved Master Footer. This is done using the Footer popup menu button found at the top left corner of the footer text area. Note that the Footer popup menu button disappears when the footer area is not visible. Each Master Footer can be renamed by clicking on its title bar; its path cleared or set by clicking on the path box in the lower left of the window. Insert Master Footer Replaces the current text of the Footer with the selected Master Footer. Save As Master Footer Saves the text of the current Footer as a Master Footer. See also Footer Utility. Edit Master Headers Navigates to the Master Footers section to allow viewing and editing of the Master Footers. Back to Master Headers, on to Info Window, or return to HTML.edit Features.